Las Lomas Class of 1966

Las Lomas Class of 1966 50th Reunion Committee

First Meeting of the Las Lomas Class of 1966 50th Reunion Planning Committee

          Marsha Skinner hosted the first meeting of the 50th Reunion Planning Committee at her home in Walnut Creek on Wednesday, September 9.  We're fortunate to have Sandi Curtis Shields back on the committee again for this reunion, after the super job she did in organizing the 40th Reunion Picnic.  Sandi has also spent a lot of time tracking down classmates so we can make sure everyone knows about the reunion and has an opportunity to attend.  Other committee members include Dawn Buckingham and John Rowe.  Anyone else who would like to join the planning committee is welcome.  Whether you live locally and can attend meetings or want to help from afar, just let us know.  Committee members are currently researching possible venues for the reunion activities and we hope to have an announcement regarding time and place soon.

Las Lomas Class of 1966
50th Reunion Planning Committee, L to R, John Rowe, Sandi Curtis Shields, Marsha Skinner


6 thoughts on “Las Lomas Class of 1966 50th Reunion Committee”

  1. This is a great web site, thank you for putting it together. Now to locate our classmates and their contact information so we may beging our invitation list for our 50th reunion next year. 

  2. Hello wonderful classmates that have organized this reunion, I have not let anyone know our food preference for the saturday dinner and don’tknow how to do that Shoild I just call the restaurant? thanks for any help. Looking forward to the event and seeing all of you, Love and kisses for all your work to make this happen. Beth Weil Sisk

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