Sandie Curtis Shields, Michelle Esquibel, John Rowe, Dawn Christopherson Buckingham, Marsha Skinner

Las Lomas Class of 1966 Reunion Committee Hard at Work

Las Lomas High School Class of 1966 Reunion Committee

          Several members of the Las Lomas 66 Reunion Committee met at the home of Dawn Buckingham on November 10, 2015.  Gary Leach and Dawn Christopherson have opened a bank account so we can begin depositing checks for the reunion and the committee members were the first to submit their checks.  A proposal to combine some of the reunion activites with the Del Valle High School Class of 1966 was discussed and it was decided to invite a representative from Del Valle to attend the next meeting after the first of the year.  Marsha Skinner is working on reserving a block of rooms at the Embassy Suites for classmates coming from out of town.  Stay tuned for more information about our 50th Reunion.

Sandie Curtis Shields, Michelle Esquibel, John Rowe, Dawn Christopherson Buckingham, Marsha Skinner
Sandie Curtis Shields, Michelle Esquibel, John Rowe, Dawn Christopherson Buckingham, Marsha Skinner

10 thoughts on “Las Lomas Class of 1966 Reunion Committee Hard at Work”

  1. Dear Committe Members,  As I may be interested in attending the class reunion, I wanted to inquire about the cost of attending, whom to send a check to and when it would be due.  Any information you can send me at my e-mail address would be appreciated.  I can be reached at  Thank you for all of your hard work in organizing this event

  2. Diana Hilderman Lundquist

    Way to go committee. It looks like you have plans well underway.  We are living in  Citrus Heights so not sure how I can assist but would like to be included in helping in some way.



    1. if you know where anyone is that would help-  Have found a large majority  but a few still missing and are posted on the website.


  3. My late husband, John Pelletier, was in this graduating class.  He has been gone 19 years now and this posting brought a tear to my eye.  He would have enjoyed this event.

  4. Chris Parsons Parmentier

    Oh my goodness – I AM so disappointed. It just recently dawned on me that this was the year of our 50th and after going to the website and learning that the reunion is the 24th of September I was so bummed out. My daughter is getting married that day so I won't be able to attend. I would love to connect with folks. I'm retired and living in Monterey now. Maybe there's some way to connect with some of you.

    1. Hi Chris  we will have a picnic on the 25th although you will probably be tired.  If there are certain people you would like to connect with let me know I have the master list of our connections for classmates.

      1. chris parsons parmentier


        I will have friends and family here the whole wedding weekend so the 25th wouldn't work, but yes I would love to be able to connect and get together with some folks if possible. if there is a contact list that you could provide that would be wonderful. Many thanks for this suggestion.


        You have obviously been hard at work on this for awhile. You should feel good about all that you have accomplished. I feel so removed from the area as I haven't lived there in many years and even my mother has been gone for a number of years

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