Jonny Kelling

          After graduation from high school I traveled a bit, then came back to marriage, family, friends, work.  I worked at Diablo Valley College in the Admissions Office for years, (when it was free to attend).  Then I worked for the Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff in their records department.  I am very happily retired now and spend ALL my free time selling various treasures on EBAY.
          I have 1 daughter, Lindsay, who has given me 3 beautiful granddaughters, who are now 20, 18, 14.  I have a son, Joey, who will be getting married on October 1 in Mississippi, so I will inherit another daughter, and hopefully more babies.
          I still live in Walnut Creek and I am amazed how much it has and continues to grow since "the good old days".  I do not feel old enough to even think of a 50th High School Reunion!  But I cannot wait until our great party that we have planned and to be able to connect with lots of old friends who I haven't seen in years but now get to find  and follow on Facebook.